ASO safety安全觸邊,ASO safety安全邊緣
aso meets the great challenges of globalisation by focussing on core competences, carefully adapting operational structures and systematically expanding an international presence.
at present, 170 employees worldwide produce safety contact elements, controls and customer-specific sensor solutions, and many other products. in addition to head offices in germany and the us, global distribution is in the hands of distribution centers all over europe and a global dealer network.
sentir bumper 60 mm x 100 mm
sentir bumper 100 mm x 200 mm
sentir bumper 150 mm x 300 mm
sentir bumper 200 mm x 400 mm
sentir mat 750 mm x 1000 mm
sentir mat 1000 mm x 1000 mm
sentir mat 1500 mm x 1000 mm
elmon rail 41-822 1114-0040
nr.gef 85 sk1m 41-32停產,替代型號:elmon rail41-322
al 15-9 article no:103 207
elmon vario 01-27 article no:203 009
sentir edge 15.25 tt0 article no:1502-0980
sentir bumper 100-200 l 4 l-1920mm,pn:1701-1152
art-nr:1501-0090 02sc032310 1350mm
15.25 tt 1500mm
15-10 tt-1070mm/根
15-10 tt-615mm/根
al15-9 鋁材基座(130°)
al15-9 鋁材基座(7*°)
aso safety安全觸邊控制器rail 41-322
sentir edge 25.30 tt p/n:1502-0430,0.7m常閉
sentir bumper 60-100,2060mm 單側出線,線長1米,帶電阻
art-nr:1501-0090 02sc032310 1350mm